Mission Statement

Discovering, preserving and passing on the history of Price County. We are repositories for documents, photographs, and artifacts, which we share through exhibits, libraries, archives, and community programs at our sites and on our web site. We are an educational resource for local school districts, and historical and genealogical researchers.


President - Etola Foytek, Phillips   V. President - Peter Dahlie, Phillips
Secretary/Treasurer - Lorraine (Laurie) Pilch, Phillips


Board Members

Etola Foytek, Phillips; Bonnie Salm, Fifield; Steven Eitrem, Fifield; Lorraine (Laurie) Pilch, Phillips; Peter Dahlie, Phillips; Eric Tollefson, Phillips; John Berg, Wisconsin Rapids; Tom Kaiser, Park Falls; Len Schmidt, Park Falls; Sally McFadyen, Phillips; Traci Dunbar, Phillips


We are a 501 (c) (3) organization (Internal Revenue Code) and a Wisconsin registered charitable organization.  Number 000 5508, Price County Historical Society, Inc. Our Certificate of Incorporation was granted November 27, 1959. Our resources are our Old Town Hall Museum, office and storage building, and the Greenfield School; which are located in northern Price County, on Hwy 13 two blocks South of State Hwy 13 and Hwy 70 intersection. Our Historical Society has no paid positions.  We are strictly staffed by dedicated, hard working and knowledgeable volunteers from the Price County area. Revenues are raised from membership fees, donations, grants, book sales, Gift Store sales and fund raising events. Price County and the Town of Fifield provide some financial support.

The money is used for exhibits of artifacts, outreach programs, utility bills, maintenance and preventive maintenance programs, supplies for the museum and Greenfield School, curator staff supplies, publishing and book printing costs, pamphlet printing and other community services.